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Health Care Reform (Affordable Care Act)
The new health insurance marketplace is available to legal residents and offers private health plans at potentially, subsidized reduced cost. Open enrollment starts on November 15th 2014 for coverage effective beginning in January 2015. These policies are guaranteed issue, and you can never be denied nor cancelled for a pre-existing medical condition or illness.
What is covered by the Affordable Care Act.
What is covered by the Affordable Care Act.
The federal health care law (the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act) states that all new health insurance plans must abide by requirements set forth by the federal government. These requirements include such things as:
- Must cover essential health benefits (doctor visits, emergency visits, maternity, pediatric care and prescriptions).
Five Basic Levels of Coverage
Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze and Catastrophic. These levels of coverage will be based on your age, needs and or desires for specific health care benefits.
Premium Assistance
Financial assistance is available in the health insurance marketplace to those who qualify. You household size and income will determine eligibility with your new health insurance policy. Please take a moment to review the chat below. Click here to see your options.